Guidelines on the Use of United Nations Academic Impact Logo

The United Nations Academic Impact (“UNAI”) logo (the “Logo”), set forth in Section 1 of the present Guidelines, evokes the use of academic research and intellectual curiosity in the service of humanity; commitment to the values, mandates and goals of the United Nations; and the use of education as a tool to advance tolerance, understanding and social inclusion. The integrity of the Logo is fundamental to advancing UNAI’s goals, individually and through partnerships, for this purpose. UNAI’s Logo helps draw attention to the need to advance the Sustainable Development Goals and drive momentum for global action through institutions of higher education and research organizations.
The value of the UNAI brand is further enhanced by enabling the appropriate use of its Logo, and for that purpose these Guidelines have been developed. It is critical that the Logo maintains its integrity by ensuring that its use is carefully controlled and it is not exploited. Member Institutions , Partners and Stakeholders of United Nations Academic Impact can help support the integrity of the Logo by understanding and respecting the need to protect the brand, and by not using the Logo when not entitled to do so as set forth in Section 1 of the present Guidelines.
The Logo is the intellectual property of the United Nations. These Guidelines govern the use of the Logo by Member Institutions, Partners and Stakeholders in the United Nations Academic Impact program. The United Nations reserves the right to take appropriate action in the event of a breach of the present guidelines. Possible actions may include, but are not limited to: revoking the Member Institution, Partner, or Stakeholders’ status and removing the Member Institution, Partner, or Stakeholder’s name from the list of participants. Any suspected misuse should be referred to the Brand Manager, who is overseeing the use of the Logo. The Brand Manager can be reached at

1. Use of the United Nations Academic Impact Logo

The United Nations grants UNAI Member Institutions and Partners a limited right to use the Logo, the English version of which is displayed above. The Logo is available in the six official United Nations languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish and is available for download on the UNAI website at The United Nations’ general policy is to permit UNAI Member Institutions, Partners and Stakeholders to use the Logo only in the context of their activities promoting the UNAI program and its goals, but not in any manner that suggests or implies that the United Nations has endorsed or approved of the activities, products and/or services of the Member Institutions, Partners or Stakeholders concerned, or that the United Nations is the source or funder of any such activities, products and/or services.
For all proposed uses of the Logo, permission, including from UN system organizations, must be sought in advance from the Brand Manager. Specifically, please note that the following uses are not permitted:
• Any use of the Logo as a component of a Member Institution, Partner, or Stakeholder’s own logo, trademark or other branding elements;
• Any use of the Logo for the promotion or advertising of products, services and/or other activities intended to solicit business;
• Any use of the Logo as a permanent graphical element of websites and other internet materials, stationery, business cards, or other variably utilized print materials;
• Any use of the Logo suggesting or implying a certification or seal of approval for activities, services and/or products.

2. Rules Governing the Reproduction and Display of the Logo
Maintaining consistency in the display of the Logo by Member Institutions, Partners, and Stakeholders is an important aspect of the strategy to advocate the principles of UNAI. Accordingly, when Member Institutions, Partners, and Stakeholders incorporate the Logo in their materials for the permitted uses outlined above, they are required to strictly adhere to the following guidelines regarding the reproduction and display of the Logo. For more guidance, please refer to section 3 below on the permitted types of logo usage.
• Reproduction of the Logo. The Logo must be treated as a unique element and resized proportionally. Authorized users of the Logo are required to use the artwork that is provided by UNAI on its website under the “UNAI Logo” section. The Logo may never be reproduced by hand, nor should its wording be substituted with another typeface. The letters appearing in the Logo should not be altered or redrawn in any way, nor should the elements be re-spaced.

• Color of the Logo. The Logo may be reproduced in color or in black and white. When a color version of the Logo will be used, the original colours of the Logo as provided on the UNAI website should not be modified. To ensure readability, the colour version of the Logo should always appear on a white or light-coloured background. The Logo may be reproduced in black and white for use on other backgrounds. A screen tint or shade should never be used when reproducing the Logo when it appears in color.

The color specifications are as follows:

C10 M45 Y 100 K 0
R227 G151 B37

C100 M80 Y 18 K 5
R18 G74 B135

• Appearance of the Logo. In all materials on which the Logo is used, it must appear in isolation, uncluttered by competing images. The Logo must appear vertically and must not be used as part of a sentence or word phrase or associated with any non-related symbols or graphical elements. When the Logo is used it should be accompanied by the phrase “Member of United Nations Academic Impact” if the organization is a member or “Supporter of United Nations Academic Impact” or “Partner of United Nations Academic Impact” if the organization has been granted recognized status as a UNAI partner (SDSN, ELS, etc.).

• Logo Sizing. The logo minimum width:
– for print: 1 inch wide
– for the web: 100 pixels wide

3. Types of Logo Usage
Member Institutions, Partners, and Stakeholders wishing to use the Logo in connection with an event, publication or product must have prior written permission from the Brand Manager. Once permission has been granted, the Logo may be used alongside other logos, for banners, invitations, press releases or publications, subject to the terms and conditions of the present Guidelines.
Member Institutions, Partners, and Stakeholders wishing to use the Logo should submit the request for permission to the Brand Manager with a minimum of one month notice in advance.

• Banner. When positioning the Logo amongst the logos of multiple partners, the United Nations Academic Impact logo should be given a prominent position in relation to the other logos. All other logos should receive equal emphasis to each other.

• Invitations. Invitations should include the Logo and the below boilerplate language:

The United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) is an initiative that aligns institutions of higher education with the United Nations in actively supporting and contributing to the realization of UN goals and mandates including the promotion and protection of human rights, access to education, sustainability and conflict resolution.

• Press release. In partnerships involving multiple partners, it is important to give the Logo a prominent position and equal emphasis to all partners’ logos. Clear space should be maintained around each logo.

• Publications. Member Institutions, Partners, and Stakeholders that produce publications related to the mandates, goals and values of the initiative are encouraged to use the Logo for such publications. For more information, please contact the Brand Manager.

4. Use of the United Nations Name and Official Emblem
The use of the United Nations name, including any abbreviation thereof, and emblem is reserved for the official purposes of the Organization in accordance with General Assembly resolution 92(I) of 7 December 1946. Pursuant to the General Assembly resolution, the long-standing policy of the United Nations is not to authorize the use of the UN emblem by outside entities. Any proposed use of the UN emblem by non-UN entities requires the prior written authorization of the Secretary-General of the United Nations. Requests for such authorization should be submitted to the Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations, New York, NY 10017 or by fax: (917) 367-1416. Any suspected misuse of the United Nations name and emblem should be referred to the Office of Legal Affairs at the United Nations.